photo Eva Kelety


Born in Poland. Graduated at the Academy of Fine Art, Krakow. From 1975 to 1983, she resided in Caracas, Venezuela. Currently lives in Paris, France.


Solo Shows /selection/



Time Shifted, see+gallery, Beijing , China

Utopia Is An Island, La Vie -Art Space, Shenzhen, China

What Happened, Foto- Vienna, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria                              


FLOWING, Bildraum Studio-Artist In Residence Vienna, Austria


Leave The Door Ajar, Museum of Japanese Art &Technology, Krakow, Poland   


 UNWÄGBARKEITEN, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria

There Are Other Worlds but They Are Here, See+gallery, Beijing, China 


Photography&Alchemy, see+gallery, Beijing ,China

In Illo Tempore, Galerie Sagot Le Garec, Paris, France 


Chambre d’(a)pesanteur, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Chambre d’(apesanteur, Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, France


Vanishing Deconstructions, See+ Gallery, Beijing, China 


In That Time, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Away from You Close To You, See+ Gallery, Beijing, China 


Continuum, Salle Capitulaire, Cour Mably, Bordeaux, France 


Le corps et le souffle,  Thessa Herold- Gallery, Mois de la Photo, Paris, France 


Connected Isolations, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Ne faire qu'un, Thessa Herold Gallery,


Un Monde Loin du Monde , installation, vidéo, Abbaye de Corbigny, France

catalogue, texte  Jean Paule Setre, Anne Laure Meyer



Closer To Me Than Myself I, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Closer To Me Than Myself II, Hardcore Contemporary Art Space, Miami, USA 


Le soi dormant,  Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France


Egospheres, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

N'Être,Vent d’Est Gallery, Bordeaux, France 


Illusions, Hardcore Contemporary Art Space , Miami,

Juegos de la mirada, Museum of Contemporary Art Sofia Imber-MACSI, Caracas, Venezuela

Espaces, Lillebonne Gallery, Nancy, France 


Jeux du Regard, Arte Fiera, Thessa Herold Gallery, Bologna, Italie

Jeux du Regard,  Art Paris, France

Jeux du Regard, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Illusion Spheres,  Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Regards croisés,  Chapelle Saint-Louis, Bar–le-Duc, France

Photographie, Primo Piano Gallery, Lecce, Italy 


Inner Circles,  Claire Oliver Gallery, New York, USA

En Parabole, Temple de Chauray, Niort, France

Between Us, Rochefort College Art Gallery,  Rochefort, USA

N’Être,  Maison Henri IV, Saint Valery en Caux, France

Paysage du temps, Thessa Herold  Gallery, Paris, France

Miradas Dobles,  39 Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela

Variations of the Double, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA 


Materia Prima,  Kordegarda ,Contemporary Gallery, Varsovie, Pologne

Last Judgement, Gallery of moderne Art, Lodz, 

Historical Museum, Sanok, ZPAP Gallery, Cracow, Poland

On the Edge,  Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Encounter/with Iwona Ornatowska/,  Artemis Gallery, Cracovie, Pologne

Last Judgement, Studio Gallery, Varsovie, Pologne

Photographie, Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, USA

Sculpture&Photographie, Magda Danysz Gallery, Paris, France

Photography, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Painting and photography, Gomez Gallery, Baltimore, USA


Group Exhibitions /selection/



Caravan Forum, Kutajsi, Georgia 

 Photo Shanghai, see+gallery, Shanghai, China

Art&Design Fair, see+gallery, Guangzhou, China


 (In)visible-Rencontres d'Arles , Fondation Manuel Rivera Ortiz -FOTOHAUS ginvited by fiVe collective 

20 Years of Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria


Guangzhu Contemporary Art Fair , see+gallery, China

Photo Shanghai, see+gallery, China

Magmart Video Festival, Naples, Italie

Parallel, Contemporary Art Fair, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria

Chimères artistiques : Figurer le Cosmos, Biennale d'Issy Les Moulineaux, France

Rotlicht Photo Festival, Vienna, Austria  


 Les Authentiques,  Pierre Alain Challier Gallery, Paris, France

 L'épaisseur du Temps, Topographie de l'art, Paris, France

Cosmic Dance, Biwako Biennale 2020, Omihachiman, Shiga, Japon

Contemporary Art Fair, Guangzhou, see+galerie, China 


 Photo Shanghai, see+gallery, Shanghai, China

Contemporary Art Fair, Shenzhen, see+gallery, China 

 Parallel Art Fair, Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria


AIPAD, Photography Fair, see+gallery, New York, USA

Photo London, see+gallery, London, UK

Predictions and Shimmering Memories, Halsnoy Kloster, Norway

Contemporary Art Fair, Shenzhen , See + Gallery, Shenzhen, China

Photo Shanghai, See+ Gallery, Shanghai, China

Biwako Biennale, Omihachiman, Shiga, Japan

Atemporelles, Mondapart Gallery, Paris, France

Handmade IV,  Anzenberger Gallery, Vienna, Austria


The True Stories Project , Patan Museum, Kathmandu, Nepal

Photo Shanghai, See+gallery, Shanghai, China

Contemporary Art Fair, Shenzhen, see+gallery, Shenzhen, China

Paris Photo, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Paris Photo, see+gallery, Paris, France

Miami Art Fair, Art Nouveau Gallery, Miami FL, USA

AIPAD Photography Fair, See+gallery, New York, USA

Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, Shanghai, China 


Obras Singulares de Maestros Contemporáneos, Freites Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela

 Renard Pâle Éditions, Sotheby's, Paris France

AIPAD, Photo Fair, See+Gallery, New York, USA

VI Biwako Biennale, Omi Hachiman, Japan

Photo Shanghai, See+ Gallery, Shanghai, China

 Shenzhen Art Fair, See+ Gallery, Shenzhen, China

2nd International Photo Week, Shenzhen, China

Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Galerie Thessa Herold, Paris, France 


Photo Shanghai, See+ Gallery, China

Paris Photo, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Lauréats -Collection's Choice, Novembre à Vitry, MAC, Créteil, France 


Danse Variation Image, MAC -Maison des Arts de Créteil, France

V Biwako Biennale, UTAKATA, Omi Hachiman, Japon

Ex Voto By Contemporary Artists, Musée de Montparnasse, Paris, France 

Shanghai Photo Fair, See+Gallery ,Shanghai, China

I Photo Week, Shenzhen , Chine

Paris Photo, Thessa Herold Gallery, Grand Palais, France

Scope -Miami, Maya Polsky Gallery, Miami FL, USA 


Art Paris, Thessa Herold Gallery, Grand Palais, Paris, France

Off The Beaten Path, Fundation Canal, Madrid, Spain

Beyond the Dream, Mondapart Gallery, Boulogne Billancourt, France

FIA, Art Nouveau Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela 


Danse-Espace II, Espace 1886, Saint Ouen, France 

Pinta Art Fair, Estudio 8 Gallery, London, UK

IV Biwako Biennale - Fairy Tales, Omihachiman, Japan

Hommage au Facteur Cheval, Musée de la Poste, Paris, France

Paris Photo, Thessa Herold Gallery, Grand Palais, Paris, France

Le réel réenchanté, Roi Doré Gallery, Mois de la Photo, Paris, France 


Fotografica 2011, Eglise Santa Clara, Bogota, Columbia

The Missing Peace, San Antonio Contemporary Museum, USA

Off the Beaten Path, Cultural Center of Chicago, USA

Paris Photo, Thessa Herold Gallery, Grand Palais, Paris, France 


Art Paris,Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Pinta-Art Fair, Hardcore Contemporary Art Space, London, UK

Art Shanghai, Pavillon of South America, Shanghai, China

The Missing Peace, Nobel Museum, Stockholm, Suede 


The Missing Peace, Fundation Canal, Madrid, Spain

Art Paris,Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Paris Photo, Thessa Herold Gallery, Carouselle de Louvre, Paris, France

ArteAmericas, Artepuy Gallery, Miami, USA

Scope Art Fair Basel, Hardcore Contemporary Art Space, Basel, Suisse

Virtuellement Réel, Alice Mogabdgab Gallery, Beyrouth, Liban

Icons of Victory, Humboldt Building, Berlin, Germany

Off the Beaten Path, Contemporary Art Gallery, San Diego University, California,

The Missing Peace, Frost Art Museum, Miami, FL, USA

Art-Pologne Aujourd'hui, Archives Départementales, Chartre, France

Femme y est tu ? Galerie d’art contemporain, Chinon, France 


Venere Vincitrice, Castello Carlo V,  Lecce, Italy

Moving Forward to The Balanced Earth, Te Papa Museum, Wellington, New Zealand

Chicago Art Fair, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

FIAGallery 39, Caracas, Venezuela

Kraj, Contemporary Art Gallery, Opole, Poland

Art Elisée, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

The Missing Peace, Hillside Terrace, Tokyo, Japan

Group Show, The Steps Gallery, London, England

Photo Miami, Hardcore Contemporary Art Space, Miami, USA

NOBE Art Fair, Miami, USA

Arte Fiera, Thessa Herold Gallery, Bolonia, Italy

Art Paris, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Arte Americas Art Fair, Signature Gallery, Miami, USA

Avec le Facteur Cheval, Musée de la Poste, Paris, France

Chicago Art Fair, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Escalier : La verticale du possible,Charlotte Norberg Gallery, Paris, France

Artsenat, Femme y est tu ? Orangerie du Luxembourg, Paris, France

Washington Art Fair, Signature Gallery, Washington, USA

FIA, 39 Gallery, Caracas , Venezuela

Genius Loci, III Biwako Biennale, Omi-Hachiman, Japon

Art Elisée, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Abu Dhabi Contemporary Art Fair, Thessa Herold Gallery, United Emirats

The Missing Peace, Yerba Buena Art Center, San Francisco, USA 


ARCO, Thessa Herold Gallery, Madrid, Espagne

Art Paris,Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Circa, Art Fair, San Juan de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

The Missing Peace, UCLA Museum, Los Angeles, 

Loyola Museum, Chicago, Rubin Museum, New York, USA

Non-objective II, Photographie, Thessa Herold Gallery Paris, France

POZA, Real Art Way Gallery, Hartford, USA 


Transparence, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Fiac, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, 

St’Art, Koralewski Gallery, Strasbourg, France 


ARCO, Thessa Herold Gallery, Madrid, Spain

Art Expo, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Quantum Leap, II Biwako Biennale, Omi-Hachi-Man, Japan

Things To Come, COFA Gallery, New York, USA

Pencil; Paper and Beyond , Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

Chicago Art, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

FIAC,Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France

Non-Objectif I, photographie, Thessa Herold Gallery, Paris, France 


St-art Art Fair, Koralewski Gallery, Strasbourg, France

Art Expo, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

FIA, Minotauro Gallery, Caracas, Venezuela


II Biennale d’Art, Zep -Tepi, Biwako, Otsu, Japon

FIA, Galería Minotauro, Caracas, Venezuela 


FIAC, Felix Gallery, Paris, France

Art Cologne, Felix Gallery, Cologne, Germany

Art Expo, Maya Polsky Gallery, Chicago, USA

ARCO Art Fair, El Museo Gallery, Madrid, Spain

New Mexico International Art Fair, Gomez Gallery, USA

Saga Print Fair, Magda Danysz Gallery, Paris, France

Alter Ego, Pryzmat Gallery, Cracow, Poland

Prélude-Prélude , Koralewski Gallery, Paris, France



Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela

MACSI,Contemporary Art Museum Sofia Imber, Caracas, Venezuela

Cesarea Museum, Israël 

Diner’s Bogota, Columbia

Municipal Collection , City of Vitry, France

World Bank, Washington, USA

Reflex Museum, Amsterdam, Holand

Musée de la Poste, Paris, France

Foto Museum, Bogota, Columbia

Loyola University , Chicago , USA

Guangzhou 33 Art Center, China 

Manggha-Museum of Japanese Art,  Krakow, Poland






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